How to make a bundle of Drawstring backpack shoulder ropes, but it won’t be used well.

How to make a harness pocket drawstring backpack rope.
Although the recent fashion is a drawstring backpack, the status of the drawstring backpack has not been shaken. In "The Back of the Sun", Joe's back is a bunch of drawstring backpacks, which shows the popularity of this type of backpack bags.
Even though these backpacks only have two ropes, some girls still don't know how to deal with them. Then, as a handicapped party, how to deal with the rope on the Drawstring Drawstring Backpack? Next, teach everyone how to solve it quickly.
1) Grab the two ropes of drawstring backpack with your hands. This process is very simple, but the attention is to use both hands to grab the two ropes of the drawstring backpack at the same time, instead of grabbing them separately.
(2) Pull the two ropes horizontally in the opposite direction. It pulls the rope in the opposite direction and pulls horizontally, not pulling the two ropes to the same side of drawstring backpack.
(3) When the mouth of the shoulder bag is almost closed, stop pulling the rope. If the mouth of the drawstring backpack is too large, the item will fall easily, so be careful to tighten the mouth.
(4) Grab the two ropes and carry up the backpack. At the same time, grab and carry the bag.
(5) If there is a rope that is not aligned, you can choose to pull the other side until the ropes are level on both sides of drawstring backpack.